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List your Illinois Home for a Flat Fee

Never pay 5-6% in real estate commissions. Keep your equity!

Chicago Illinois Flat Fee MLS Listing Broker

When you work with, you get a straightforward transaction by listing your house on the REALTOR® MLS database without any gimmicks. We can list your house for a flat fee as low as $199 and make it visible to prospective buyers. You will comfortably get through every step of the process with our experienced brokers to guide you. When your home sells, you get to keep more of your hard-earned equity in your pocket than if you worked with a traditional brokerage firm. Why go to a traditional brokerage firm and pay their expensive five- to six-percent commission when our agents do primarily the same work at a fraction of the cost? Trust our real estate experts. We always put customer service as our number one priority.

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Why go to a traditional brokerage firm and pay their expensive five- to six-percent commission when our team does primarily the same work at a fraction of the cost?

Our Flat Fee Chicago Illinois MLS Service Saves You Money

The traditional real estate listing model is old and outdated, so provides a cost-effective alternative to help save thousands of dollars from leaving your pocket. Our flat fee Chicago Illinois multiple listing service (MLS) packages give your house the necessary exposure to sell quickly for the most money. We combine proper pricing with sufficient exposure on the MLS and affiliated sites to sell your home faster. You should note that your home doesn’t get maximum exposure unless you list it in your local MLS. We can list your house on the same local MLS real estate brokers use and have your house listed on hundreds of popular national listing websites, such as, Zillow, Redfin, and Trulia. Signing up with us is quick and easy, and we are here to help you fill out the paperwork.




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graphic of people shaking hands over home sale

What to Expect With Your Real Estate Listing

If you find a buyer without an agent’s representation, you retain the right to sell your property yourself without paying any additional commissions or fees to anyone. When a buying agent brings a buyer to your home, you decide their commission, typically two to three percent. Our flat-free brokerage services have high success rates and provide big savings to you. Most traditional real estate brokerage firms that charge 5-6% commission are set up to work for the transaction and for the agent’s own interest, not for the consumer. Our team works for you, not the commission.

  • Huge Savings Compared to Traditional Real Estate Brokers

  • *Assumes 2.5% buyers commission, saving could be substantially greater with no buyers commission.
Save thousands and list with us today!
gray house

Sell Your House With ListHomeFlatFee

Don’t waste your money on broker commissions. Keep your hard-earned money in your pocket instead of handing out a hefty percentage of your sale price. We list your house on your local Illinois MLS to sell your home fast and easy for a flat fee. Contact us today to get started.